What we do

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Our Vision, Mission and Values set out who we are, what we stand for and what we want to achieve. 

They underpin everything we do as an organisation. Further explanation of our Vision, Mission and Values is here.

Our Vision

To be globally recognised as setting the standard for those advising families across generations.

Our Mission

To inspire confidence in families planning their assets across generations by setting and upholding high professional standards, informing public policy, promoting education, and connecting practitioners globally to share knowledge and best practice.

Our Values

Community: We respect each other and value diversity

Collaboration: We work together and learn from each other to find new and better ways of doing things

Integrity: We are honest, open and committed to upholding our ethical and professional standards

Continuous learning: We champion continued learning and development to build the knowledge and skills necessary to deal with a rapidly-changing business environment

Our Brand

Find out about our brand and download our guidelines and logo.

Our Strategy

How we will achieve STEP’s vision.

Annual Report

View our annual financial statements and impact reports, in which we demonstrate what we have done to benefit members.