Digital Assets Global Special Interest Group

Digital Assets SIG

Established in recognition of the emerging issues related to how practitioners effectively assist clients and their fiduciaries in planning for and administering the digital assets of individuals after the individual dies or loses capacity. Both STEP members and non-members alike are welcome to join this special interest group.



For the Public
  • What are my digital assets?
  • Why are my digital assets important?
  • What should I do?
  • Where can I get help?

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Committee Member Portal

Meeting dates, agendas and minutes (Global SIG Committee member login required)

Webinar: Estate planning of cryptoassets and NFTs: Understanding the practical realities
30 November 2021 - 16:00 - 17:30 GMT

To join a STEP SIG, simply log in or register and click on 'Edit your SIGs' if you are already logged in


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