Web Events Library

Below we list pre-recorded webinars and webcasts, which are available to watch on demand.

New web events will be added to this library regularly.

2021 Webinars

July: Webinar: A practical approach of DAC6 in Cyprus: The relationship between intermediaries and relevant taxpayers

June: Webinar: Complicated assets, regulatory compliance, and impactful giving

The shared challenges we face in our globalised world transcend borders. In international philanthropy, however, borders can present formidable regulatory, risk and reputational obstacles to your clients’ desire to be impactful in their charitable planning.

June: Webinar: Identifying and navigating cross-cultural differences within business families

This webinar hosted by the Business Families Special Interest Group provides both an academic and practitioner based discussion, highlighting some of the key cross-cultural issues at play within a family business and how those impact the role of the advisor.

June: Webinar: Introducing family dialogues on the responsible stewardship of wealth: a guide

With the COVID-19 pandemic highlighting rising inequality, many are reflecting on what can be done to address that while providing for their family’s needs. With this in mind, STEP has produced a guide to aid discussions that advisors need to have with families about responsible stewardship. Its authors will discuss the themes found in the guide as well as why now is the right time to focus on the many positive things wealth can achieve for families and beyond.

June: Webinar: Testamentary capacity: the issues

The international panel of experts will discuss some of the key issues when undertaking a capacity assessment and how best to address them.

June: Webinar: Civil law and common law: A comparison of estate administration on death

This webinar hosted by the Cross-Border Estates Special Interest Group joins together common law and civil law speakers who discuss key differences between the two legal cultures, and explores them on a practical basis using a case study involving an estate administration with both elements.

June: Webinar - DAC6 Implementation in Cyprus a practical approach

The Seminar is addressed to Intermediaries registered with professional associations in Cyprus, including but not limited to Advocates and their respective firms, Administrative Service Providers including Trustees, Auditors and Accountants and their respective firms who fall within the ambit of the definition of Intermediary and are obliged to submit reportable cross-border arrangements with the Cyprus Tax Department.

May: Webinar - Modernising trust law for a global Britain: a scoping study

This is a joint web event hosted by STEP and the Law Commission of England & Wales on the Law Commission’s 14th Programme of Law Reform.

April: Webinar - Global HNW families and their wealth structures: current topics and innovations

With high-net-worth (HNW) families becoming more global, their assets increasingly complex and threats being more sophisticated, each family has a unique set of requirements. Join our panellists from Guernsey, Singapore, the Cayman Islands and London as they discuss the challenges and opportunities for today’s global families and their wealth including structure and/or individual residence options.

The panel will also consider structures that use multiple jurisdictions and where UK tax advice is needed for families with residence or domicile ties.

April: Webinar - The beneficial owner concept in Benelux: How it has evolved in numerous areas of regulation and resulting inconsistencies

STEP Benelux invites you to the next instalment in its Webinar Series focussing on private and business wealth, regulatory compliance, tax and family governance, as shaped by current events. The beneficial ownership concept is now relevant in a number of areas of regulation, and there is increasing focus on that concept due to the debate regarding public access to beneficial owner data. It is therefore an appropriate time to reflect on the extent to which the concept has remained true to its origins and to which inconsistencies may have crept in as to its application, both in law and in practice.

April: Webinar - The EU Succession Regulation

This webinar will focus specifically on Regulation (EU) No 650/2012 (the Succession Regulation): a particularly ambitious and complicated EU instrument that attempts to deal successfully with many national peculiarities. The session will consider all the crucial practical issues that have arisen as a result of its implementation among the different EU Member States and analyse the implications of the latest decisions of the European Court of Justice.

March: Webinar - Banking Bad? A Global Mystery Shopping Test of the Risk-Based Approach

Banks and corporate service providers are meant to apply a risk-based approach to customer due diligence, yet no one really knows if they do in practice. To test this proposition, a global 'mystery shopping' exercise based on thousands of solicitations for companies and corporate bank accounts was conducted. Those doing the shopping were a mix of real shell companies and fictitious consultants we created to personify various risk profiles, from corruption to terrorist financing. The design of our study allowed us to measure the effect of different kinds of risk on the likelihood that firms would do business, and on their propensity to follow or flout international know-your-customer rules.

Part of the Thought Leadership Series of webinars which will provide virtual access to the most topical content from the STEP Global Congress 2020 programme.

March: Webinar - Trusts and arbitration: The good, the bad and the ugly

This panel will seek to answer questions about trust and arbitrations, objectively balance out the advantages and drawbacks presented by arbitration and make the case for or against arbitration of trust disputes.

February: Webinar - Rehabilitating Trusts

Trusts have suffered from an image problem in recent years, with media stories portraying them as vehicles for wealthy individuals to 'hide' tax from the relevant authorities. The Rehabilitation of Trusts project aims to rebuild that reputation among key stakeholders and put evidence into the debate. This webinar will discuss findings from the research undertaken as part of the project. You can view the report here

Part of the Thought Leadership Series of webinars which will provide virtual access to the most topical content from the STEP Global Congress 2020 programme.

February: Webinar - The Ten Domains of Family Wealth

This webinar hosted by the Business Families Special Interest Group is a conversation with Dr. James (Jim) Grubman on ‘The Ten Domains of Family Wealth’, a new learning and development framework developed by The UHNW Institute. The Ten Domains is the Institute’s inaugural project: a conceptual framework for advisors and families representing the full landscape of what an ultra-high-net-worth family wealth comprises.

February: Webinar - Trusts and AML-CFT Registers of Beneficial Owners: I’m a trustee, do I need to register somewhere?

This session will examine what constitutes a business relationship and consider whether merely engaging a professional (such as a lawyer, accountant, or tax advisor) in a Member State would qualify as a business relationship. The panel will consider circumstances relating to the persons involved in a trust, such as whether appointing a beneficiary or having a settlor based in a Member State would qualify as ‘entering into a business relationship’ in the EU. The panel will also consider transactions typically carried out by a trustee during the lifetime of a trust, such as the opening of a bank account in an EU jurisdiction, as well as the meaning of the term ‘acquires real estate’, which could be open to interpretation – depending on the EU jurisdiction where real estate is being acquired.

February: Webinar - US Trust Planning for Mexicans

Our esteemed panel for this event include Manuel Elias Tron, CEO of ZG Manuel Tron Consultores, SC (Mexico); Sean Tevel, Partner at Holland & Knight (US); Pascal Landrove, Managing Director, Miami Head and Market Head Mexico at Deutsche Bank Wealth Management (US); and Mauricio Cano del Valle, Partner at Brook & Cano (Mexico).

February: Webinar - Intro to International Tax Planning for Cross-border Families with a Focus on LatAm and Spain

Please join us as we review the key principles of US international taxation, and cross border tax planning between and among the US, Latin America and Spain. This is meant to be a high-level introduction to key concepts of international planning, the different legal jurisdictions, a review of taxes from around the region, and other considerations when planning for multi-jurisdictional clients.

January: Webinar - Residency and Domicile: what will be “home” in a post-COVID world?

Lockdown is now a familiar term in 2020. Across the world, its impact has resulted in practitioners dealing with issues concerning accidental residence or non-residence for individuals and carrying on a business, as well as income tax and inheritance tax exposure and the applicable law on death. Our panel will review such challenges and look at the implications of COVID-19 on the future concept of ‘home’.

Part of the Thought Leadership Series of webinars which will provide virtual access to the most topical content from the STEP Global Congress 2020 programme.

January: Webinar - The future of trusts – threats, challenges, and solutions

What does the future hold for the trusts industry both onshore and off? Having weathered many storms over the years, are the biggest threats to the robustness and stability of private client structures still ahead? Our panel will discuss recent global developments flowing from the international push towards regulation and transparency, important decisions of the courts that have contributed to the evolution of trust laws around the world, and debate what new challenges may lie ahead.

January: Webinar - Solving modern problems for modern trustees

The modern trustee faces a number of modern challenges: a next generation of beneficiaries seeking greater involvement in the management of family wealth, requests to ensure trust assets are invested in sustainable or environmentally responsible sectors, new categories of activist settlors seeking to use their wealth to offer reparations or to support social justice.

January: Webinar - Trustees in trouble

A global pandemic, political unrest, a generational shift in assets, and the looming threat of recession: all offer turbulent waters for a trustee to navigate. Our panel will discuss the types of troubles that trustees are facing in the current climate, and identify and debate the most practical and successful ways of addressing and resolving them. Recent judgments from around the world will be analysed, and tried and tested tools scrutinised. Join us for a lively and educational discussion with panellists from around the world.

January: Webinar - DAC 6: The practical and commercial reality

Professionals in wealth management and advisory services have now lived with EU Council Directive (EU) 2018/822 (DAC6) in one form or another for 18 months. Having grappled with the Directive’s terms and followed its implementation and interpretation in national law, the time has come to report relevant arrangements dating back as far as June 2018. Unless a further delay of three months is granted, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most ‘intermediaries’ will meet their first reporting deadline at the end of January 2021. Meanwhile, for a minority of countries reporting deadlines will already have passed as the pandemic-related deferral was not adopted.

View previous webinars below


December: Webinar - Pandemic realities: Implications for tax-residence of individuals, trusts and corporations

Travel restrictions and quarantine requirements are the ‘new normal’. Individuals can ‘get stuck’ in a jurisdiction that may not be their choice for employment or business purposes under usual circumstances. COVID-19 has raised a series of international tax questions on the residency of individuals, trusts and corporations. This has implications on the allocation of income and corporate taxation rights and may have significant repercussions from an inheritance tax perspective.

Practitioners of STEP Europe jurisdictions and the UK will discuss the impact and effect of the pandemic on residency for individuals, trusts and corporations with a pan-European focus.

December: Webinar - Trusts – The law of trusts in Cyprus

To discuss in practice the current updates on the use of Cyprus Trusts and the legal framework in Cyprus following recent domestic and international changes. Current Status of the use of Trusts, What are the Type of Cyprus Trusts, the use and the legal framework of Cyprus Trusts, investments for families and Investors.

December: Webinar - Current inheritance tax issues surrounding UK residential property

A discussion of some current issues surrounding UK residential property including lessons learnt after 2 years of the Residential Nil Rate Band, unwinding UK residential property structures and a consideration of home loan schemes in the recent Shelford case (John Leonard McNeill Shelford as Trustee of the Herbert Life Interest Trust Settlement & Ors v HMRC [2019] TC 7549).

November: Webinar - Investing in Europe – Some Topical Issues

EU Succession Regulation – its application to non-EU persons owning EU asset, Brussels IV (The EU Succession Regulation) was an important step in simplifying the probate and succession rules that apply when a person within the EU passes away while owning real estate and other assets in other EU countries.

Structuring real estate investment in the UK, Buying real estate in the UK is a minefield, exacerbated by recent new taxes imposed on non-resident purchasers.

November: Webinar - Planning for Family Business and Succession

How family enterprises are using wealth to build a great family, Family is the foundation for long-term business resilience. Drawing on interviews with family members from 100 large global business and financial families who have been successful for more than three generations, this talk will look at the four paths that such families take to build a family “tribe”, and how the family forms the foundation for business and financial succession and resilience.

Family constitutions and charters – a case study interview, This session will present a case study involving a typical family situation that is designed to showcase how an advisor goes about identifying issues and dealing with them in family documents.

November: Webinar - Recent Cases Affecting the Wealth Management Industry

The panel will review a potpourri of cases from around the globe over the last year that affect trusts and estates and their administration.

November: Webinar - Global Trust Issues, Part 2

Mitigating fiduciary obligations – how far can (and should) a trustee go? With trustees being increasingly concerned about potential liabilities to beneficiaries with respect to the administration of trust assets, the issue of transferring asset management responsibility to the settlor or other parties has become more prevalent.

Alternative dispute resolution for trust disputes Litigation before the courts, especially in a far-flung jurisdiction, is complex, expensive and time-consuming.

November: Webinar - Global Trust Issues, Part 1

Trustees located outside the governing law jurisdiction Increasingly, trustees are based in jurisdictions other than that of their trust’s governing law.

Differences between US and English-style trusts It is often said that the English and American people are two cultures divided by a common language. Increasingly, they are also divided by different approaches towards trusts.

November: Webinar - Future Planning for Our Clients

The next decade – what’s coming up? Topics covered will include the expansion of CRS reporting, emergence of cross-border enforcement of foreign tax claims, OECD’s Pillar Two initiative to impose a minimum rate of tax worldwide and more.

Kidnapping and security A related issue that will also be discussed is the extent to which a trustee can be called upon to pay ransoms. The risk of kidnapping is all too real for high-net-worth families, making this a session not to be missed.

November: Webinar - Mental Health and the Financial Advice Relationship

Mental health has become a matter of increasing public concern worldwide. In Canada, by age 40, half of the population will have, or will have had, a mental illness. How do you, as an advisor, detect a crisis early on when managing your client relationships? Using insights gained from research, advisor interviews and mental health expertise, this presentation will give an overview of the current mental health landscape and its impact on investors, providing advisors with a suite of educational tools and real life scenarios that you can apply with your clients who may be experiencing mental health issues.

Part of the Thought Leadership Series of webinars which will provide virtual access to the most topical content from the STEP Global Congress 2020 programme.

October: Webinar - Digital Assets and Cross-Border Estates: An International Problem

This webinar jointly hosted by STEP’s Cross-Border Estates and Digital Assets Special Interest Group’s (SIG’s), explores the issues surrounding the administration of a cross-border estate with digital assets.

October: Webinar - Exploring Impact Investing Trends Resulting from COVID-19 and its Aftermath

The last webinar of the Philanthropy Programme series in 2020, explores the role of impact and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing in addressing the implications of COVID-19. Speakers discuss the role of professional advisors and social impact funds in providing solutions to the enduring societal and environmental issues.

October: Webinar - Wealth Taxes – The Future of Taxation in a Post-COVID World

Wealth taxes, while not a new idea, are gaining popularity as a solution to the debts that governments have taken on as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Expert Speakers will examine the implications of introducing wealth taxes, with reflections from a jurisdiction that already has such a tax, as well as discuss potential alternative solutions to addressing the growing fiscal challenges.

Part of the Thought Leadership Series of webinars which will provide virtual access to the most topical content from the STEP Global Congress 2020 programme.

October: Webinar - Family Governance & Succession Planning for Business Families

This webinar will discuss the important aspects of succession planning and how to construct process by which the family is governed for the future.

September: Webinar - Risk and Reward in Social Entrepreneurism

This webinar was one of four events in the 2020 Philanthropy Programme series, jointly hosted by STEP’s Philanthropy Advisors Special Interest Group (SIG) and Philanthropy Impact. It discusses some of the challenges facing organisations, philanthropists and social impact investors and their professional advisors, and social entrepreneurs, when trying to adopt innovative approaches or solutions.

September: Webinar - Succession Planning for Family Farming Businesses

The biggest problem for farmers, according to recent surveys, is the lack of succession plans. Succession in farming is however complicated, three leading experts discuss the issues needed to be considered in this webinar hosted by STEP’s Business Families Special Interest Group (SIG).

September: Webinar - Remote Witnessing: Will it Persist Once We No Longer Have to Socially Distance?

Social distancing has seen the rise of the video witnessing of wills. Is this the future, or will physical presence still be necessary post-pandemic? Using examples from jurisdictions that have adopted technological changes as a result of COVID-19, STEP experts will discuss the cases behind the respective moves and the long-term implications.

July: Webinar - The Advisor’s Responsibility: Wealth Stewardship, Social Equity, and Building Back Better

This webinar, hosted by STEP’s Philanthropy Advisors Special Interest Group (SIG), considers responsible stewardship of wealth in advancing social equity and the role of advisors on these issues in today’s climate.

June: Webinar - The Future Philanthropy Client - Navigating the Differences Across the Generations

This webinar was one of four events in the 2020 Philanthropy Programme series, jointly hosted by STEP’s Philanthropy Advisors Special Interest Group (SIG) and Philanthropy Impact. It discusses the dynamics and influences at play between different generations as to how they believe their social impact investment efforts should progress.

June: Webinar - Tax and estate planning for US persons with foreign assets

Michelle Graham, a partner in the private client and tax team of Withersworldwide, addresses issues to look for when planning for a US person with foreign assets; how to take title, including a discussion on foreign entity options; estate planning documents to consider; and US tax compliance matters. This web event is free to access but requires registration.

May: Webinar - Core Components of a Professional Philanthropy Advisory Practice

This webinar was one of four events in the 2020 Philanthropy Programme series, jointly hosted by STEP’s Philanthropy Advisors Special Interest Group (SIG) and Philanthropy Impact. Clients seeking help from their advisors with their philanthropic activities has doubled in the past few years; this discussion highlights the perspectives of both advisors and clients, with panelists examining how advisors can prepare (in addition to their normal activities and general services) to support their clients.

May: Webinar - Should we be concerned by the Guernsey Court of Appeal's decision in Rusnano?

Speakers: Bryan De Verneuil-Smith and Simon Davies of Ogier. To access this web event please contact STEP Guernsey at stepguernsey@step.org


September: Webinar - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report - What does it mean for wealth holders?

Laurie Lane-Zucker, Founder & CEO of Impact Entrepreneur and Gina Pereira TEP, CEO and Founder, Dāna Philanthropy and Co-Chair, STEP Philanthropy Advisors Special Interest Group discuss the impact on wealth holders of the high profile IPCC report released in 2018, which makes a number of policy recommendations to governments for systems transitions to strengthen the global response to climate change in the context of sustainable development. This web event requires registration and payment.

March: Webcast - A guide to the General Data Protection Regulation for trust and estate practitioners

Edward Hayes, Burges Salmon LLP, explains what the EU GDPR means in practice for trust and estate practitioners. In particular, it discusses how to identify the personal data of clients, which lawful grounds for processing it are likely to be relevant, what additional grounds are required for special category data and how and when to provide information to data subjects (including beneficiaries). It also covers data subjects’ rights and how those rights interact with existing trust law. This web event requires registration and payment.

February: Webcast - The EU Fifth Anti-Money Laundering Directive

Emily Deane TEP discusses the EU Fifth Anti-Money Laundering Directive and concerns around its implementation. This web event requires registration and payment.

January: Webcast - EU Directive on Administrative Cooperation in the Field of Taxation (DAC6) and the Model Mandatory Disclosure Rules (MDR)

Samantha Morgan TEP, RMW Law LLP, discusses DAC6 and the OECD MDRs. This webcast will assist with your understanding of the Directive as well as reportable cross-border arrangements, intermediaries, and who and when the information should be reported. This web event requires registration and payment.


April: Webcast - The Criminal Finances Act and its application for trustees, family offices and charities

Samantha Morgan TEP, RMW Law & Alana Petraske, Withers discuss the potential exposures for trustees, family offices and charities, based in the UK and offshore, and the practical preventative measures that they can take to mitigate potential liability under these offences.

March: Webcast - Challenging the paradigm that 'doing well' and 'doing good' are mutually exclusive: exploring B Corps and Benefit Corporation legislation

William H. Clark, Jr., Of Counsel, Drinker Biddle and Reath LLP and pro bono legislative counsel to B Lab and Gina M. Pereira, TEP, Dāna Philanthropy CEO and Founder, Barrister and Solicitor examine the factors encouraging corporations to adopt business models that incorporate responsibility, sustainable business practices, and equitable operations, certifying as B Corps and/or incorporating under a benefit corporation legislation model.

March: Webcast - HMRC's Requirement to Correct provisions & Failure to Correct penalties

June: Webinar - The battle of good intentions: charities versus CRS

Gina M. Pereira TEP and Peter Cotorceanu TEP explore the applicability of CRS to charities, the potential impact on the charitable sector and planning opportunities.

June: Webinar - CRS and trustees

John Riches TEP and Samantha Morgan TEP of RMW Law consider the practical aspects of reporting trusts under the Common Reporting Standard (CRS).


March: Webcast - Randall v Randall: post mortem

Barrister Mark Baxter of 5 Stone Buildings talks about standing to challenge a will to bring a contentious probate claim,with particular reference to the England & Wales Court of Appeal’s decision in Randall v Randall.

March: Webcast - Scots adult incapacity law: and introduction for other jurisdictions

Adrian Ward TEP of TC Young LLP provides a lesson for practitioners outside Scotland on adult incapacity law in the jurisdiction.

February: Webcast - Proprietary estoppel

Barrister Miranda Allardice of 5 Stone Buildings, examines recent cases relating to the principle of proprietary estoppel – an area that has been particularly active in recent years at least in part due to the rise in land and property values.

February: Webcast - Philanthropy and the impact of regulatory disclosure: anonymity in a transparent world

Gina M. Pereira TEP, Dana Philanthropy LLC, considers the unprecedented levels of disclosure both nationally and internationally faxing charities, their beneficiaries and their donors.

January: Webcast - The application of Islamic Law in the context of trusts

David Russell QC TEP speaks to Mahmoud Mostafa of Pinsent Masons LLP about the exclusion of an otherwise applicable foreign law to trusts on grounds of Islamic public policy.

January: Webcast - New Worldwide Disclosure Facility

Richard Morley TEP of BDO LLP discusses UK HMRC’s Worldwide Disclosure Facility and suggests what practitioners should disclose, and what issues they should be aware of.


November: Webcast - What is Blockchain technology and how will it impact upon the private wealth sector?

James Brockhurst TEP of Gowling WLG explains how blockchain can hold financial assets, and explores its use in non-financial applications.

October: Webcast - Ilott v Mitson: a modern Jarndyce?

Sarah Haren and Eliza Eagling, from 5 Stone Buildings, consider numerous issues raised by Ilott v Mitson, including a lack of financial provision for an adult child and issues of estrangement.

October: Webcast - Loss of mental capacity by a company director

Jocelyn Fox TEP of Slater and Gordon asks how capacity is judged for a company director and whether an incapable director can be removed from office.

September: Webcast - CRS and charitable trusts

STEP’s Emily Deane TEP examines how new tax transparency legislation, notably the OECD’s Common Reporting Standard (CRS), applies to charitable trusts and foundations.

September: Webcast - Trusts and the PSC Register

Josh Lewison of Radcliffe Chambers examines how Part 21A of the UK Register of Persons with Significant Control affects trusts and trustees

July: Webcast - Helping financial deputies and trustees through the investment maze

Saul Djanogly, Best Interests Consultants, examines a trustee’s duty of care when it comes to investment fees and charges for investments on behalf of clients.

July: Webinar - Patel v Mirza: Supreme Court decision on illegality

Professor Graham Virgo considers the judgment handed down by the UK Supreme Court in Patel v Mirza where, by a majority, the court has adopted a quite different test for determining whether illegality is a bar to relief which will be of great importance for trusts.

June: Webcast - Dual compliant solutions

Simon Gorbutt TEP, Danilo Santucci, Elena Zafirova TEP and Daniel Welker of Lombard International Assurance S.A. explain how dual compliant insurance and annuity solutions can be used for clients with fiscal and planning concerns in both Europe and the US.

June: Webcast - Cell phones don't work in heaven: estate planning for digital assets

Kerry Bornman TEP, Three Stone, discusses the meaning of digital assets and sets out the legal position in the UK and US. She suggests what concerns to raise with clients when carrying out estate planning.

May: Webcast - Charity investment and governance issues

Julie Hutchison TEP, Standard Life Wealth, looks at the benefits and use of an investment policy statement, and also considers how to approach the topic of ethics, within the context of the legal framework in this area.

May: Webcast - Backwards tracing

Alan Sheeley explains asset tracing and following and examines the case for and against backwards tracing in the light of Brazil v Durant International Corp[2015] UKPC 35 and the UK Privy Council's ruling.

April: Webcast - From FATCA to CRS (2016)

George Hodgson explains some of the main differences between FATCA and CRS, which may trap the unwary.

March: Webcast - Estate planning in Canada: What's in store for 2016

Rachel L Blumenfeld TEP, Miller Thomson LLP, discusses the future of testamentary trust planning, probate planning and US compliance issues for Canadians.

February: Webcast - The DIFC Wills and Probate Registry

Yann Mrazek explains the new DIFC Wills and Probate Registry – the first of its kind in the MENA region – which provides a system for non-Muslim individuals with assets in Dubai to register English language wills, allowing for the distribution of their estate as set out in their registered wills, and to have their wills probated through the exclusive jurisdiction of the DIFC courts.